Babishai Poetry Festival

Babishai Poetry Festival 2015 for Uganda in August

This blog concerns itself with news in the game of prose from the African continent. This is because this blogger has a very bad relationship with poetry; I don’t know how to know whether a poetry anthology is amazing. Unless of course if it is horrible; for some reason I can tell awful poetry from a mile away.

Even with my limited knowledge of the poetry genre, I have to be a very blind person not to see what our friends Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation from Uganda have been doing for that literary genre. They have been doing the only indigenous poetry award from the continent since 2009 first as a Uganda prize and now continent-wide.

The foundation will be hosting one of the first poetry festivals in East Africa in Kampala from August 26 to 28 financially supported by Stichting Doen and Gilgal Media Arts. Literary enthusiasts, budding and published, novice and established poets and lovers of the greater art of literature, from all over the world will be based at the Uganda Museum for a variety of very cool events.

Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva
Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva

Some of them will include poetry performances, the launch of the Kampala Poetry Anthology as well announcing the BN Poetry Award 2015 winner. Since these are writer types, you can assume that there might be some drinking and partying going on. Poets drink more by than prose people right?

Director Beverley Nambozo Nsengiyunva speaking about the festival said, “This year, we are honoured to host world-wide leading voices in poetry and to share the landscape with impressive and mind-blowing talent across Uganda.” Nothing about drinking there unless you consider the “mind-blowing” part.

If you are interested in taking part in all the poetry (or just the drinking) then try these methods;


Tel: +256 751 703226

Twitter: @BNPoetryAward



One response to “Babishai Poetry Festival 2015 for Uganda in August”

  1. […] here that there is a poetry festival about to hit Kampala, Uganda in a few weeks. The festival, the Babishai Niwe Poetry Festival was started initially as the Babishai Niwe Poetry Award popularly known as the BN Poetry Award […]

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