Nii Ayikwei Parkes

Nii Ayikwei Parkes and Sika Fakambi win Prix Laure Bataillon

The Prix Laure Bataillon is an award that recognizes the best foreign work translated into French in a year. The winners of this year’s award are Nii Ayikwei Parkes for his book Tail of the Blue Bird (Notre Quelque Part) (our review here) and his translator Sika Fakambi.

It was a brilliant year for Parkes who won the Mahogany Prize novel, dedicated to sub-Saharan authors and / or African descent. He also won the Sylt Foundation African Writer´s Residency Award this year.

Sika Fakambi
Sika Fakambi

Sika Fakambi, his translator, was crowned by the League of Baudelaire prices Gens de Lettres translation in June.

The winner of the Laure-Bataillon Prize is endowed with 10 000 euros, shared equally between the author and his translator.

Congratulations to the writer and translator for their awards.


One response to “Nii Ayikwei Parkes and Sika Fakambi win Prix Laure Bataillon”

  1. […] and Japanese. The French translation of the novel won the 2014 Prix Baudelaire, Prix Mahogany and Prix Laure Bataillon. His poetry includes eyes of a boy, lips of a man (1999), M is for Madrigal: Seven Poems (2004), […]

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