Asmara-Addis Literary Festival (In Exile) 2022 to be hosted in May.

The Asmara-Addis Literary Festival (In Exile) 2022, will be hosted in Brussels, Belgium from May 29-31, 2022. This year’s theme is “Say It Loud, The Art Of Unsubtlety.”

The Asmara-Addis Literary Festival (In Exile), founded by novelist Sulaiman Addonia, was first hosted in the Belgian city of Brussels in 2019. It was attended by among others Maaza Mengiste, Minna Salami, Nadifa Mohamed, Chike Frankie Edozien, Saleh Addonia, Soheila Mehri, and Ellah Wakatama Allfrey.

In 2020, the festival returned with among others, Molara Wood, Hannah Azieb Pool, Maaza Mengiste, Amina Jama, Vittorio Longhi, Magdalene Abraha, Kalaf Epalanga, Mariama Jalloh, Sumia Jama, and Alycia Pimohamed in February.

After taking a short break because of a global pandemic that made organising things like this difficult, the festival returns at the end of May for its third run. This year’s theme “Say It Loud, The Art Of Unsubtlety” comes with the following elucidation:

For centuries, writers and artists have been expected to operate under the principle that less is more & to adhere to the power of subtlety. Though this may have produced great art, it might have also inversely led to a loss. As well as exploring what this looks like, the Asmara-Addis Literary Festival (In Exile), in its third edition, will give a stage to the opposite side of subtlety & restraint: exuberance and loudness.

Say It Loud will invite Belgian-based and international guests to talk about the art of unsubtlety and going against the grain. It will dive deep into the process of creation without filters, speak the unspeakable, break down the doors to all sides of our imaginations, and show us what happens when freedom to make art is bottomless and unrestricted.

Close to 60 guest writers, artists, poets, dancers, musicians, playwrights, and other artists will feature. Some of these are Jenifer Nansubuga Makumbi, Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah, Nisrine Mbarki, Alfred Schaffer, Gary Younge, Kalaf Epalanga, Lola Akinmade Åkerström, Vanessa Tsehaye, Saleh Addonia, Milka Mbunga Kongi, Fatena Al-Ghorra, Hannah-Azieb Pool, Madeleine Kennedy-Macfoy, Carolina Marciel de França, Noémi Lewest, Ria Carbonez, Liya Kebede, and Desta Haile.

For more information about times and venues for the events please click here.


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