Category: Austria

  • Days of African Literature Festival for Graz, Austria

    Days of African Literature Festival for Graz, Austria

    The Days of African Literature Festival with the theme is “Language crosses borders” runs in Graz, Austria from June 14 – 15, 2024. The Chiala Association for the promotion of culture, development, and diversity was founded in February 2012 as the successor to the Africa Center Chiala’Afriqas which ran from 2003 – 2011. They run…

  • A snapshot of Fiston Mwanza Mujila’s Weltwortreisende 2022 in Austria.

    A snapshot of Fiston Mwanza Mujila’s Weltwortreisende 2022 in Austria.

    Weltwortreisende 2022 (World Word Travellers), organised by Fiston Mwanza Mujila and Robert Reithofer, was hosted in Graz, Austria from October 20 – 22, 2022. Weltwortreisende (World Word Travellers) or Transnational Literary Days, running for the second year, are not only a crossroads for literature, but also a meeting point for languages and representations of the…