Writing Africa: Archiving African and Black Literature

Category: Burundi

  • Toyin Falola Prize 2021 shortlist announced.

    Toyin Falola Prize 2021 shortlist announced.

    The shortlist for the Toyin Falola Prize 2021 was announced today, October 14, 2021. The Toyin Fálọlá Prize is an award from Nigerian-based Lunaris aimed at honouring distinguished African scholar and foremost historian, Prof Toyin Fálọlá, whose contributions to the field of African history and culture have continued to place Africa on the map and…

  • The African novelists on the Dublin International Literary Award 2020 longlist

    The African novelists on the Dublin International Literary Award 2020 longlist

    There are eleven novelists from across Africa on Dublin International Literary Award 2020 longlist announced on Monday, November 11, 2019. The Dublin International Literary Award is presented annually for a novel written in English or translated into English to promote excellence in world literature. The prize worth €100,000, sponsored by the Dublin City Council, Ireland,…

  • Burundi writer Perpétue Miganda features at #KigaliLit.

    Burundi writer Perpétue Miganda features at #KigaliLit.

    Perpétue Miganda was the featured writer at the #KigaliLit event at the Innovation Village in Kigali, Rwanda. The event which was hosted on May 30, 2018 was moderated by blogger and poet Eric Ngangare. #KigaliLit, short for Kigali Literature, is a literary event that brings young and established authors alike from Kigali and further afield…

  • New poetry anthology seeks submissions from Burundi nationals

    New poetry anthology seeks submissions from Burundi nationals

    A new anthology titles A Song for Burundi is seeking submissions from Burundians living in exile. Huza Press in collaboration with Africa Writes and Jalada Africa have announced a call for submissions for a poetry anthology from Burundians living in exile. Inspired by the creative force of the large Burundian population living in Rwanda, this…