Category: Italy
Wayetu Moore wins Premio Inge Feltrinelli 2023
Wayetu Moore’s I draghi, il gigante le donne, the Italian translation of her 2020 memoir, won the inaugural Premio Inge Feltrinelli 2023 in Milan, Italy on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. Premio Inge Feltrinelli was set up by the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation and the Feltrinelli Group to celebrate a German-born Italian photographer and director Inge Schönthal…
Ben Okri on Premio Gregor von Rezzori 2022 longlist.
Ben Okri’s Preghiera per i vivi is on the longlist of the Premio Gregor von Rezzori 2022 announced on April 23, 2022. Gregor von Rezzori was a novelist, memoirist, screenwriter, and author of radio plays, as well as an actor, journalist, visual artist, art critic, and art collector. He passed away in 1998 and his…
Bernardine Evaristo, Maaza Mengiste on Premio Gregor von Rezzori 2021 longlist.
Bernardine Evaristo and Maaza Mengiste are on the longlist for Premio Gregor von Rezzori 2021 announced on April 20, 2020. Gregor von Rezzori was an Austrian-born, Romanian, German-language novelist, memoirist, screenwriter, and author of radio plays, as well as an actor, journalist, visual artist, art critic, and art collector. He passed away in 1998 and…