Chikè Frankie Edozien and Michaela Dudley are the guests at the James Murua Literary LiveStream on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 at 18:00 GMT/ 19:00 WAT/ 20:00 CAT/ 21:00 EAT. You can join the stream, brought to you in cooperation with Frankfurter Buchmesse with financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office, on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter.
In 2020, we introduced the James Murua Literary LiveStream to shine a light on the African literary ecosystem and ways to make it better. Previous guests to the stream have been Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, Maaza Mengiste and Antje Rávik Strubel; Ondjaki and Philipp Khabo Koepsell; Mariette Tchamda Mbunpi and Annette Michael; as well as Nyana Kakoma and Mariela Nagle. The latter events were brought to you in cooperation with Frankfurter Buchmesse with financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office.
In 2021, literary LiveStream returned with Tsitsi Dangarembga (Zimbabwe) and Volha Hapeyeva (Belarus) and Ralf Nestmeyer, vice-president of PEN Germany.
The second session for 2021 features Chikè Frankie Edozien and Michaela Dudley. The discussion will focus on Queer Narratives in African and German literature and how their publishing industries have dealt with these themes.
Here is more information about these personalities;
Chiké Frankie Edozien

Growing up in Lagos, Nigeria Chiké Frankie Edozien learned to read from the newspapers before even attending school. He is the author of the ground breaking memoir Lives of Great Men:’ Living & Loving As An African Gay Man which won the Lambda Literary award 2018 for biography/memoir. His Shea Prince was a Gerald Kraak Finalist and part of its As You Like It anthology which also garnered a ‘Lammy’ in 2019. His Last night in Asaba along with other incredible stories from around Africa have been anthologized in The Heart of The Matter. Edozien lives in Accra, Ghana.
Michaela Dudley (*1961)

a trans* woman from Berlin with Afroamerican roots, is a cabaret artist, a columnist, a composer, a keynote speaker and a lawyer. She writes for the taz, the Tagesspiegel, the LGBTQ magazine Siegessäule, Missy Magazine and Rosa Mag. “Milieu and mainstream”, as she underscores. In her satirical, socially critical cabaret program „Eine eingefleischt vegane Domina zieht vom Leder“, she portrays a dominatrix serving as an angel of justice. In television and radio appearances, such as the Kulturzeit (3Sat-TV), she serves as a commentator of cultural topics. In 2019, she was a guest moderator during the live transmission of Gay Pride in Berlin in RBB Television. She also appears regularly in the show Kulturzeit (3Sat TV), e.g. discussion women’s rights at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019, in 2020 with a reply to J.K. Rowling regarding trans* femininity and in the same year with her musical tribute to the black tran*s woman and gay rights icon Marsha P. Johnson on the occasion of the latters 75. Birthday. Additionally, she is an independent adviser in issues of diversity for the Deutsche Bahn (German Rail) and the Leipzig-based broadcaster MDR.
The two will join me on the LiveStream at 18:00 GMT/ 19:00 WAT/ 20:00 CAT/ 21:00 EAT. If you want to interact with them, you can join the stream on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter
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