

Please support our work archiving African and Black literature either by sharing our content or financially via PayPal, Mobile Money, or Patreon starting at US$3 a month. started on April 24, 2013, when its founder James Murua registered the blog to give visibility to African writers rarely covered by mainstream African media. Since its founding, he covered literary news from a distinctly Africa-centric lens. That meant reportage on book news, launches, literary festivals, author profiles, and more. With minimal support, he travelled to festivals in East, West, and Southern Africa, even crossing oceans, to give subscribers information about what is happening in African letters.

With thousands of posts on the blog, the project quietly grew to become the biggest blog on African literature on the internet. From a website that focused only on African writers who come from the continent, there was a shift in 2020 to expand the reach of those who were featured. Alongside the shift, there were new components included like a podcast to hear the voices of African writers and a YouTube channel featuring African writers in their element at events virtual and physical.

In 2023, ten years after the leap there was a change to the new name of Writing Africa from the previous setup, read here why this happened.  The new initiative is the same old initiative with news from across literary communities on the continent and the diaspora. It will be a bit better with the experience gained over a decade of doing the same thing.

We call for donations that will allow the team to invest more time into this work that is so important now and will be even more vital for future readers, scholars, and other lovers of the written word. If this is something that you can get behind, and if you are reading this why would you, there are several options;

Share content

At the very least, please share our content via all social media channels with your networks. This will go a long way to ensuring that it gets to the people who need it the most. Sharing also gives the project vital Google juice ensuring that the website goes up in its rankings. Also please consider following our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram where we share even more content. Consider also please subscribing to our YouTube channel at Writing Africa.


You can now contribute directly to our PayPal at

Mobile money

You can send money to our mobile money number whenever you can. The number is;



You can support this project on Patreon starting at US$3 to US$100 per month and for this, you can get several rewards. The tiers of patronage are named after the needs of a typical modern life so you can pay for a monthly coffee, a meal, electricity, groceries, and if you are feeling generous even help with my rent.  If you feel like donating to this project please click here to support this project.