Writing Africa: Archiving African and Black Literature

Mohale Mashigo

Etisalat Prize for Literature 2016 longlist announced at Ake Festival 2016

The Etisalat Prize for Literature 2016 longlist was announced at the opening ceremony of the Ake Festival 2016. The announcement was made by Elvis Ogiemwanye and chief judge Hellon Habila.

The next generation of literary stars vying for the Etisalat Prize for Literature was announced as part of the opening ceremony of the Ake Book and Arts Festival. The announcement was made by Etisalat executive Elvis Ogiemwanye and chief judge and birthday boy Hellon Habila.

The longlist is made up of entries from first-time authors whose books were published in the past 24 months.

The judging panel, comprising Nigerian novelist and poet, Helon Habila (Chair), South African writer/activist Elinor Sisulu and Ivorian writer and Africa39 laureate Edwige Rene Dro, now has the task of selecting three authors for the shortlist, which will be unveiled in December.
This years shortlisted authors are:

  • Julie Iromuanya (Nigerian) — Mr. and Mrs. Doctor (Coffee House Press, USA),
  • Mohale Mashigo (South Africa) — The Yearning (PanMacmillan, South Africa),
  • Nakhane Toure (South Africa) — Piggy Boy’s Blues (Blackbird Books imprint of Jacana Media, SA),
  • Jen Thorpe (South Africa) — The Peculiars (Penguin Random House, USA),
  • Elnathan John (Nigeria) — on a Tuesday (Cassava Republic, Nigeria),
  • Jowhor Ile (Nigeria) — And After Many Days (Farafina an imprint of Kachifo Limited, Nigeria),
  • Andrew Miller (South Africa)— Dub Steps (Jacana Media, South Africa),
  • Jacqui L’Ange (South Africa) — The Seed Thief (Umuzi Publishers, South Africa)
  • Unathi Magubeni (South Africa) — Nwezelenga: The Star Child (Black Bird Books Imprint of Jacana Media, South Africa).

The winner of the 2016 Etisalat Prize for Literature will be announced in March 2017 and will receive £15,000, an engraved Montblanc Meisterstück pen, and an Etisalat-sponsored fellowship at the University of East Anglia to be mentored by renowned Professor Giles Foden, author of The Last King of Scotland.




4 responses to “Etisalat Prize for Literature 2016 longlist announced at Ake Festival 2016”

  1. […] him at two and a half noms (They really should give Billy that Caine Prize already). He has been longlisted for the Etisalat Prize for African Writing this past year for his debut novel Born On A Tuesday. He was also shortlisted for the Nigerian […]

  2. […] was there because of his debut novel Nwelezelanga: The Star Child which was recognised at the Etisalat Prize for African Writing last year with a longlist.  He reminded us that most of our stories are in the oral form and we needed to go back there to […]

  3. […] debut The Yearning continues its march on the award charts that started with its longlisting on the longlisting for the Etisalat Prize for African Writing 2016 and the Sunday Times Fiction Prize 2017 longlist. The Yearning is the story of a young woman who […]

  4. […] Last year Elnathan graduated from short stories and went to the big table of novels with his debut novel last year Born On A Tuesday. The book which is a childhood memoir about a Dantala a young man who grows up in a very stressful Nigeria has done quite well for its author. It was shortlisted for the Nigeria Prize for Literature this year and is currently on the longlist for the Etisalat Prize for African Literature. […]

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