IBBY South Africa

Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award Winners 2019 announced.

The winners of the Exclusive Books IBBY SA Awards 2019 were announced in Johannesburg, South Africa on November 12, 2019.

International Board on Books for Young People or IBBY is a non-profit organization committed to bringing books and children together with a membership of 75 countries. IBBY South Africa is a forum for all role-players in the world of South African children’s and youth literature.

IBBY South Africa in conjunction with South Africa’s biggest book store chain Exclusive Books announced the winners of the IBBY SA Award this past week for best story, best translation, and best illustration.

Best Story

Lebohang Masango’s title, Mpumi’s Magic Beads, took the award for Best Writer.

Mpumi’s Magic Beads is a delightful story about friendship, self-esteem, discovery and beautiful hair in the big city of Joburg. It follows the sudden adventures of Mpumi, Asante and Tshiamo as they see the world around them from new heights and realise all of the fun waiting to be discovered outside of their classroom. This story is a great read for the whole family, especially children aged between five and 10.

Best Translation

The superb translation of Maryanne and Shayle Bester’s Elders at the Door, by Xolisa Guzula, won her the prize for Best Translation.

Iinkonde eMnyango, the isiXhosa translation, is a fable which is told across the continent and belongs to all of Africa and its people. Although the setting and characters are quintessentially African, from the rhythms of their speech to the patterns on their clothes, the message is universal.

Best Illustrations

The stunning picture book, South African Animal Portraits A-Z, saw Nicolaas Maritz win the prize for Best Illustrations. The vivid and charming illustrations allow you to meet the mammals, reptiles, insects and birds which populate the veld, desert, forests and ponds of SA. From the ant-eating aardvark to the zebra spitting cobra, there is a new friend on every page.

The winner of the awards each receive a R10,000 cash token.


3 responses to “Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award Winners 2019 announced.”

  1. Albert Mwaipyana avatar
    Albert Mwaipyana

    Thanks James for the informations. Salutations!!!

    1. James Murua avatar
      James Murua

      You are very welcome sir.

  2. […] Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award Winners 2019: Lebohang Masango, Xolisa Guzula, Nicolaas Maritz. […]

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