Writing Africa: Archiving African and Black Literature

Exclusive: Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s novel “We, The Scarred” cover revealed.

The cover for Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s novel We, The Scarred, formerly known as Mrs Shaw, has today been revealed by its publisher Paivapo Publishers.

Author, poet and academic Mukoma Wa Ngugi came into the African literary scene with the two novels Nairobi Heat and its sequel Killing Sahara (Black Star Nairobi). The two are crime fiction offerings featuring an African American police Detective Ishmael Fofona and Kenyan law enforcement badass David Odhiambo. You can read our reviews of Nairobi Heat and Killing Sahara (Black Star Nairobi). The writer has written many other things including the poetry collection Logotherapy (2016) and the nonfiction The Rise of African Novel (2018).

In 2015, the author unleashed the Ohio University Press published novel Mrs Shaw about the fictional East African Kwatee Republic of the 1990s, its dictatorship about to fall, and its exiles preparing to return. We here at JamesMurua.com loved it and reviewed it for the Daily Nation here.

The African rights for this book have been acquired by Paivapo Publishers who have opted to give the book the name We, The Scarred which really makes sense. Anyone who reads the novel will know that Mrs Shaw was not the central character in the title so it was really strange that this was its name.  The new cover of the title, designed by Shubnum Khan with graphics by Megan Ross, has been unveiled today and you can see it in its glory below.

The launch will be happening on April 3 with information on venue and other niceties will be revealed in due course.



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6 responses to “Exclusive: Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s novel “We, The Scarred” cover revealed.”

  1. mywords28 avatar

    great work he follows like father like son greajohnt to see you today my bro at the event

    1. James Murua avatar
      James Murua

      He is great. Great to see you yesterday bro.

  2. Nicholas Sihlangu avatar
    Nicholas Sihlangu

    This is fantastic news

  3. […] entitled Unbury our Dead With Song, forthcoming from Cassava Republic Press, as well as We The Scarred forthcoming from Paivapo […]

  4. […] identity and the many kinds of travellers moving through our modern world.” The July read is the Paivapo Published We, The Scarred by Mukoma Wa Ngugi which speaks about an exile returning to his country on the continent after many […]

  5. […] Media by Dina Ligaga; Sensuous Knowledge by Minna Salami; Nairobi Noir edited by Peter Kimani; We, The Scarred by Mukoma Wa Ngugi; The Waiting by Martin Egblewogbe; Sacraments of Bodies by Romeo Oriogun; The […]

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