Writing Africa: Archiving African and Black Literature

Feira do Livro de Maputo

Feira do Livro de Maputo 2022 kicks off on October 20

The Feira do Livro de Maputo 2022 runs in Maputo, Mozambique from October 20-22, 2022. The fair theme is “The complexity of history does not end with time.”

Feira do Livro de Maputo or Maputo Book Fair was first hosted by the Municipal Council of Maputo in the Mozambican capital 8 years ago. This year’s edition, hosted at the Maputo Municipal Council atrium in Praça da Independência, will pay tribute to the life and work of writers Luís Bernardo Honwana and José Craveirinha, the honoree and the patron, respectively.

The fair will comprise a hybrid offering with some events broadcast virtually as well as in-person programming with reading sessions, music, debates, literary competitions, painting and reading workshops, theatre, storytelling, exhibition, and sale of books at discounted prices.

“Eu Amo Ler” (I love reading) Campaign

This year’s unique offering the “Eu Amo Ler” (I love reading) Campaign promoted by the Maputo Municipal Council, through the Department of Culture and Tourism, aims to stimulate the reading habits of students from partner schools, contributing to the improvement of student performance in all curricular components. This action to democratise access to the literary universe, whose focus is to allow each of the approximately four thousand students from public schools that are partners of the City Council, to leave the site with at least two or three titles in hand, with an average cost of books between 300 and 500 MT. A voucher worth 1000 MT (one thousand meticais) will be given to each student in the public education network for the purchase of books at the bookstores/publishers that will participate in the Maputo Book Fair.

It promises a great experience for those who attend with participants from countries like Chile, Brazil, the United States, Mozambique, and other countries. Some of the confirmed guests are Semblanza Veronica Flores, Elizabeth Olegario, Carmen Troncoso, Lúcia Vicente, and loads more included.

For more information on the fair, please follow the official Facebook page by clicking here.


One response to “Feira do Livro de Maputo 2022 kicks off on October 20

  1. […] that this year it will run the weekend of July 27 – 29 a mite earlier that its run in 2022 which happened in October. It will be hosted at the Maputo Municipal Council atrium in Praça da Independência and […]

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