Itamar Vieira Junior

Itamar Vieira Junior wins Prix Montluc Resistance et Liberté 2024

Itamar Vieira Junior’s novel Charrue Tordue won the Prix Montluc Resistance et Liberté 2024 in Lyon, France on Wednesday, April 3, 2024. Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse was given a special mention.

Prix Montluc Resistance et Liberté (English: Montluc Resistance and Freedom Prize) is awarded to an author, whether French or foreign, whose work questions current methods of fighting against oppression in all its manifestations, or whose work represents in itself an act of resistance. Some of the previous winners of the award founded by Jean-François Carenco have been Jean d’Amérique, and Kaouther Adimi.

The jury for 2024 was co-chaired by Jean-François Carenco (prize founder and former Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories) and Jean-Laurent Lastelle (senior civil servant). It included Raphaëlle Epstein-Richard (senior civil servant, secretary general of the jury), Kaouther Adimi (writer and 2023 laureate), Maritsa Boghossian (bookseller), Sophie Brocas (writer), Sorj Chalandon (writer), Françoise Cloarec (writer), Jean d’Amérique (writer and 2022 laureate), Kerenn Elkaïm (journalist), Isabelle Hausser (writer), Emmanuel Hoog (general director of COMBAT), Nathalie Jakobowicz (bookseller), Jean-Marc Levent (sales director), Sarah Moon (photographer), Ernest Pignon-Ernest (visual artist), Christian Schiaretti (director), and Béatrice Soulé (producer and director).

Itamar Vieira Junior wins Prix Montluc Resistance et Liberté 2024

The finalists for the award were announced on January 22 before the winners were made public at the Mémorial National de la Prison de Montluc in Lyon on Wednesday. The winner is Itamar Vieira Junior’s novel Charrue Tordue which was translated from Portuguese into French by Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès for Zulma editions. A Special Prize was awarded to Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse for Le Convoi, published by Flammarion.

The Brazilian wins the €5,000 cash prize.

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