Writing Africa: Archiving African and Black Literature

Jackie Phamotse, Trevor Noah win at SA Book Awards 2020.

Jackie Phamotse and Trevor Noah are two of the winners at the SA Book Awards 2020 announced on October 1, 2020.

The SA Book Awards strive to celebrate books written and published in South Africa, as voted for by South African booksellers. The awards are powered by Nielsen Book and SAPnet and build on the success of the longstanding Booksellers Choice Award. This year marked the 20th anniversary of the awards, whereby booksellers voted for their favourite titles in three categories, including the Adult Fiction prize, Adult Non-Fiction prize, and the Children’s Prize.

The winners in the awards are;

Fiction Prize: Jackie Phamotse, Bare: The Cradle of the Hockey Club

Jackie Phamotse comments: “Thank you so much to the SA Book Awards in association with SA Book Sellers and Nielsen Books. I am so so grateful, I can’t thank you enough, and my writing journey has been the hardest if I may say. I am self-published and self-funded and to receive this award today is an honour. I cannot thank you enough because I started when I was twenty-five literally writing everything in my diary as a little girl leading up to a moment where I decided to self-publish my own story and here we are. The numbers show. Thank you so so much to all those who have supported over the years.

Children’s prize: Trevor Noah, Born A Crime

Trevor Noah’s comments: “This book was my blood, sweat, and tears. It was my family’s story and my country’s story.”  

Adult Non-Fiction prize: Pieter du Toit, The Stellenbosch Mafia




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