Oduor Jagero

Jagero Oduor to launch Ghosts of 1894 at Goethe Nairobi

Jagero Oduor will launch his sophomore novel Ghosts of 1894 at Goethe Nairobi on October 19th, 2016.

Jagero Oduor is a Kenyan writer who came onto his self-published novel True Citizen a book focusing on the chaotic public transport scene in his home country. The book got mixed reviews with purists of the written word who wanted more work on it while others were excited that finally they could get to see matatus at the centre of a novel.

Jagero’s went back to the drawing board for his new book The Ghosts of 1894 a book which is centred around the period that the Rwandan genocide happened in 1994. He did a lot more work in this novel and you can read an excerpt here. You can also read the reviews in The East African, Nevender, and Wawa Book review.

The book has already had a couple of launches with one at the Writivism Festival 2016 in Kampala, Uganda and later in Kigali, Rwanda.

Jagero Oduor launches Ghosts of 1894 at Goethe Nairobi

Kenyans have an opportunity to meet the writer and get a copy of his book as he launches his book on October 21, at the Goethe in Nairobi. The launch will include a panel which will be moderated by Khainga O’Okwemba and include Dr. Tom Odhiambo (Nairobi University) and book blogger James Murua.

So of you have a minute tomorrow evening you need to check out this growing star in the Kenyan literary community.







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