Jahazi Journal 11 launches in Nairobi

Jahazi Journal Edition 11 launches in Nairobi.

The eleventh edition of the Jahazi Journal with the theme “Perspective of Theatre Practice in Kenya” launched in Nairobi on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.

Jahazi is an arts & culture journal that builds bridges between theory & practice founded by late performing artist, director, playwright, storyteller, poet, and academic Bantu Mwaura in 2006. The eleventh edition which focuses on “Perspective of Theatre Practice in Kenya” was edited by Mueni Lundi. Some of the contributors include Chinyere Grace Okafor, Christopher Odhiambo Joseph, Oby Obyerodhiambo, Mbayi Oliver, Habil Otanga, Jane Plastow, Kawive Wambua, Caroline Ngorobi, Ogutu Muraya, Zipporah Agatha Okoth, Edwing Nyutho, Keith Pearson, Chamba Njeru, Kevin Cupers, Makau Kitata, Fred Mbogo, Wanyoyi Wanyama, Mumbi Kaigwa, Mbukha Shitemi, Nyokabi Macharia, JKS Makokha, and Eugene Skeef. There is an excerpt of Ngugi Wa Thiong’os Birth of a Dream Weaver as well as a tribute to Micere Mugo by Wangui Wa Goro. The journal can be downloaded by clicking here.

Introducing Jahazi Journal Edition 11
Introducing Jahazi Journal Edition 11

It was introduced to the public with a launch at the Kenya National Theatre which was streamed on the Twaweza Communications YouTube Page led by the publisher Dr Kimani Njogu. The day included a performance of poetry by Dorphanage with presentations of panels from some of the journal contributors like Dr. Wanjohi Makokha, Zippy Okoth, Kawive Wambua, Prof Mohamed Bakari, and Lydia Waithira Muthuma.

Here are some sights from the event (all images are sourced from the Jahazi Twitter page);

Mueni Lundi, Lydia Waithira Muthuma, Zippy Okoth, and Kawive Wambua
Mueni Lundi, Lydia Waithira Muthuma, Zippy Okoth, and Kawive Wambua
Prof Mohamed Bakari with Kimani Njogu
Prof Mohamed Bakari with Kimani Njogu
Dr. Wanjohi Makokha
Dr. Wanjohi Makokha

Watch the whole event at the following address

Again, the journal can be downloaded by clicking here.



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