James Murua Literary LiveStream 3: Tete Loeper, Asal Dardan

James Murua Literary LiveStream 3:  Tete Loeper, Asal Dardan

Tete Loeper and Asal Dardan are the second set of guests of season 3 of the James Murua Literary LiveStream on Thursday, December 29, 2022, at 18:00 GMT/ 19:00 WAT/ 20:00 CAT/ 21:00 EAT. You can join the stream, brought to you in cooperation with Frankfurter Buchmesse with financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office, on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter.

In 2020, we introduced the James Murua Literary LiveStream to shine a light on the African literary ecosystem and ways to make it better. Previous guests to the stream have been Abubakar Adam Ibrahim, Maaza Mengiste and Antje Rávik Strubel; Ondjaki and Philipp Khabo Koepsell; Mariette Tchamda Mbunpi and Annette Michael; as well as Nyana Kakoma and Mariela Nagle.  

In 2021, the literary LiveStream returned with Tsitsi Dangarembga, Volha Hapeyeva and Ralf Nestmeyer; Chikè Frankie Edozien and Michaela Dudley; Okechukwu Ofili and Lena Renold; Sharon Dodua Otoo and Dr Joyce Nyairo; Jama Musse Jama and Stefanie Hirsbrunner; Kalaf Epalanga and Jessemusse Cacinda; Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse and Edwige Renée Dro; Xavier Lufin and Dr. Günther Orth, as well as Anja Saleh and Do Nsoseme Dora.

Season 3 of the series started earlier with Mukoma Wa Ngugi and Melanie Raabe talking about Crime Fiction which you can watch here. The second in the series features Tete Loeper and Asal Dardan talking about Memoir Writing. Here is more information about the event;

Memoir Writing

Memoir writing is a specialised space where writers recount to the reader a specific sliver of their lives. In this session, will learn from two memoir writers and learn the process of this unique art form. How does one pick what stays in, what remains, and navigating the pitfalls of this genre.

Tete Loeper

Tete Loeper
Tete Loeper

Born in Rwanda, Tete Loeper is a writer, theatre director and creative lecturer with a degree in Journalism and communications. Her work explores topics like migration, intercultural relations, decolonization and global north-south partnership. Her debut novel Barfuss in Deutschland is published by Orlanda verlag. She lives in Germany.

Asal Dardan

Asal Dardan. Photo/ Gewinnerin Caroline Schlegel Preis 2020
Asal Dardan. Photo/ Gewinnerin Caroline Schlegel Preis 2020Asal Dardan Gewinnerin Caroline Schlegel Preis 2020

Asal Dardan was born in 1978 in Tehran and grew up in Cologne, Bonn and Aberdeen after her parents fled Iran. She studied Cultural Studies in Hildesheim and Middle Eastern studies in Lund. As a freelance author, she writes for Zeit Online, the FAZ and the Berliner Zeitung, among others. She was awarded the Caroline Schlegel Prize for essay writing for her text Neue Jahre [New Years] and nominated for the German Non-Fiction Prize 2021 and the Clemens Brentano Prize 2022. She lives in Berlin.

The two will join the LiveStream at 18:00 GMT/ 19:00 WAT/ 20:00 CAT/ 21:00 EAT. To interact with them, you can join the stream on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter.



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