James Murua records for YouTube

JamesMurua.com YouTube channel crosses 100 subscribers (Please subscribe).

The YouTube Channel of the JamesMurua.com blog crossed the 100 subscriber mark on October 22, 2019. Please support the work that we are doing by subscribing.

We regularly get invitations from literary events across the continent either to share our opinions or to cover them for this blog. If you have seen us at these dos, you are likely to see this blogger at the front holding up a phone and recording whatever is happening on the stage. The video recordings initially ended up on the YouTube channel as a way to store content and save space on the phone especially when on the road.

In recent times, it has slowly become one of the leading YouTube channels on the African literary scene. There are very few channels out there that can boast having exclusive videos from book launches, readings, festivals, and other literary activities from Uganda, Somaliland, Guinée, The Gambia, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mayotte, and Germany.

The video with the most views on the channel so far is the launch of Shimmer Chinodya’s famous novel Harvest of Thorns as a play in Harare, Zimbabwe on October 28, 2016. Check out the video below;

On October 22, the channel had 98 subscribers and this blogger asked my Facebook and Twitter fam if two more could join up so that it could cross the 100 mark. They all came through and within an hour the goal had been achieved. You can imagine the excitement when we got the following email in our inbox from YouTube on October 24;

Hi James Murua,

Let’s have a round of applause, because you did it! More than a hundred people have subscribed to your channel. Now’s the time to get out there and shout it from the virtual rooftops!


♥ The YouTube Team

This is extremely exciting news for any person who is posting up content on YouTube. I would like to thank the 166 people who are currently subscribed to the channel and promise to continue posting content regularly.

For those who haven’t yet subscribed, please do so as it goes a long way to allowing us to monetise the work that we are doing here at JamesMurua.com. More subscribers mean that we can approach more advertisers and/or sponsors. So please click here and subscribe.

If you like the work we are doing at JamesMurua.com here are ways that you can support our project.






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