Lauren Beukes

Lauren Beukes writes Wonder Woman!

You know how you run a blog and you start getting worried that it’s starting to look like you are running a shrine to a specific author? No? Well, that’s how it’s looking this week with South African author Lauren Beukes.

So a few days ago I was gushing about her announcement that her book Broken Monsters will be now a drama show on US TV. Very quickly after that City Press did a story about DC Comics releasing a Wonder Woman story set in Africa in which the female superhero saves her male Justice League teammates, Superman and Batman, from the claws of her nemesis, Cheetah.

Turns out the story was written by the aforementioned Lauren Beukes. As I read the story and marvelled at the ability of the author to write stuff that TV people love and now even Hollywood royalty. Damn.






One response to “Lauren Beukes writes Wonder Woman!”

  1. […] (2010), The Shining Girls (2013), Broken Monsters (2014), and Motherland (2019). Her comics include The Wonder Woman, All The Survivors Club, The Pretty Ponies, and The Hidden Kingdom. She has won many awards for her […]

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