Writing Africa: Archiving African and Black Literature

Marskam Haile

Maskarm Haile’s “Abyssinian Nomad” multiple venue Nairobi tour.

Maskarm Haile did a series of readings in several venues in Nairobi for her debut travel book Abyssinian Nomad starting on March 27, 2019.

Maskarm Haile is a Certified Life/Leadership Coach, Emotion Code, and Combination practitioner. The Ethiopian has lived and worked in more than ten countries around several continents. In 2008, she backpacked from Cape Town to Cairo using public transport, hitchhiking, and couch-surfing for nine months. From this journey, she catalogued her experiences in a book that she called Abyssinian Nomad. The book’s blurb on Amazon goes thus;

What does it take to know oneself? To fully realize one’s life dream? For some it may take a lifetime, and for others, the chance may never come. There are those who dream and have the courage to take the first steps past the threshold of familiarity. Their stories, like mine, are etched on the avenues we dare to traverse. The Cape to Cairo road is where I, a black female soul-searcher, faced my greatest trial in confronting my fear of losing my mother to cancer, trying to keep old love alive, and make my childhood dream come true.

Haile has been doing her best to get the word out on her book and she had Nairobi in her sights in March. The travel writer did a series of events at a variety of venues starting on March 27, 2019. They included readings at the Nexus office, the University of Nairobi, the United States International University, and at homes. Below are images from the East African’s time in Nairobi in late March courtesy of the author and her team.

Marskam Haile at the University of Nairobi
Marskam Haile at the University of Nairobi
Marskam Haile at the University of Nairobi
Marskam Haile at the University of Nairobi
Marskam Haile at USIU
Marskam Haile at USIU
Marskam Haile after another reading.
Marskam Haile after another reading.
showing off Abyssinian Nomad by Maskarm Haile.
showing off Abyssinian Nomad by Maskarm Haile.
Marskam Haile at Nexus offices.
Marskam Haile at Nexus offices.
Marskam Haile (centre) with friends
Marskam Haile (centre) with friends



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