Miles Morland Writing Scholarship 2016 open for entries

The Miles Morland Writing Scholarship 2016 is now open for your entries until 30th October 2016.

The Miles Morland Writing Scholarship emerged in 2013 as an opportunity for to allow writers to stay with their core business without missing out on their normal living of having to hustle for bills.

Scholars writing fiction will receive a grant of £18,000, paid monthly over the course of twelve months. At the discretion of the Foundation, Scholars writing non-fiction may receive a grant of up to £27,000, paid over a period of up to eighteen months. This is divided into twelve and given to the recipient and in return they are required to hand in 10,000 words every months until the end of the year. The plan is that by the end of the year one has a novel ready for publication.

Some of the previous recipients of the prize are folks like Doreen Baingana, Percy Zvomuya, Ndinda Kioko, Fatin Abbas, Noo Saro-Wiwa, and Karen Jennings. The poster child of the scholarship at this moment is Yewande Omotoso who won the prize in 2014 and whose book The Woman Next Door is already in bookshelves around the continent (East Africans can see the writer and her book at the Writivism Festival in August I am told).

So you want to be a scholar right? You know you want to. To qualify for the Scholarship you submit an excerpt from a piece of work of between 2,000 – 5,000 words written in English that has been published and offered for sale,. This will be evaluated by a panel of readers and judges set up by the Miles Morland Foundation. The work submitted will be judged purely on literary merit. It is not the purpose of the Scholarships to support academic or scientific research, or works of special interest such as religious or political writings. Submissions or proposals of this nature do not qualify.

For more information on how to get in please click here. And good luck.


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