Mukoma wa Ngugi Nairobi Heat in French

Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s “Nairobi Heat” out in French in April 2018

Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s debut novel Nairobi Heat is set to be unveiled as a translation in French in April. His other book The Rise of the African Novel is also out there for you.

Author and academic Mukoma Wa Ngugi is not unfamiliar to readers of this blog. His debut novel Nairobi Heat, published by Spear Books in 2009, is a modern crime fiction classic which follows American police Detective Ishmael Fofona. While investigating a crime in the States, he has to follow the lead to Kenya where he meets up with local law enforcement badass David Odhiambo who helps investigate the crime. We here at loved it and you can read our review of the book here.

Mukoma follows up this book with the sequel Black Star Nairobi, also known as Killing Sahara, where Ishmael Fofona relocates to Kenya to set up a detective agency with David Odhiambo and continue their merry “detectiving.” You can read our review of that book here.

Nairobi Heat is almost ready for all our brethren and sistren in French speaking Africa as the book will be out in French starting on April 19, 2018. The book will going under the title Le Ou Meurent Le reves which Google translate tells is “Where Dreams Die” in English. Y’all should pick that up and tell us what you think about the book.

It’s not just good news for our Francophone siblings his new work The Rise of the African Novel: Politics of Language, Identity and Ownership is also available for your reading. This is the first book to situate South African and African-language literature of the late 1880s through the early 1940s in relation to the literature of decolonization that spanned the 1950s through the 1980s, and the contemporary generation of established and emerging continental and diaspora African writers of international renown. You can check it out here.

P.S. Mukoma Wa Ngugi is also the author of Mrs Shaw set in the fictional East African Kwatee Republic of the 1990s where the dictatorship is about to fall and the nation’s exiles are preparing to return. One of these exiles, a young man named Kalumba, is a graduate student in the United States, where he encounters Mrs. Shaw, a professor emerita and former British settler who fled Kwatee’s postcolonial political and social turmoil. You can check this one out here.



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One response to “Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s “Nairobi Heat” out in French in April 2018”

  1. […] translated into Spanish; Mukoma Wa Ngugi’s Black Star Nairobi was translated into French as was Nairobi Heat, Scholastique Mukasonga’s Our Lady of the Nile was translated into German, Chimamanda Ngozi […]

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