Nisi Shawl, K. Tempest Bradford, and Marlon James are Locus Awards 2020 winners.

Nisi Shawl, K. Tempest Bradford, and Marlon James are Locus Awards 2020 winners.

Nisi Shawl, K. Tempest Bradford, and Marlon James were among the winners of the Locus Awards 2020 announced on June 27, 2020.

The Locus Awards are literary awards handed out annually by United States-based Locus Magazine. Locus: The Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy is the news organ and trade journal for the English language science fiction and fantasy fields. It also publishes comprehensive listings of all new books published in these genres.

The shortlists for the 2020 edition were announced on May 29 with many writers of African origin making the cut. The winners of the awards were revealed at the virtual Locus Awards Weekend yesterday. Writing the Other by Nisi Shawl, Cynthia Ward, & K. Tempest Bradford won the Special Award 2020: Inclusivity and Representation Education.

Responding to the win K. Tempest Bradford tweeted, “I’m only allowed to be on twitter for a certain number of minutes per hour and I’m running out of time BUT big hearts and thank yous to everyone and to @locusmag, I am truly honored and I know @NisiShawl and @cynthia_ward feel the same :)”

It was a big night for Nisi Shawl who, apart from this award, also had New Suns: Original Speculative Fiction by People of Color win in the anthology category. Reacting on Twitter, Shawl said, “Whoaaaa! New Suns won Best Anthology for Locus Awards!  I certainly did not expect that, given the great competition! Congratulations to all contributors. Wish I could tell my mom!”

Another winner was Marlon James’ Black Leopard, Red Wolf in the horror category beating out nine other finalists.


One response to “Nisi Shawl, K. Tempest Bradford, and Marlon James are Locus Awards 2020 winners.”

  1. […] The Locus Awards are literary awards handed out annually by United States-based Locus Magazine. Locus: The Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy is the news organ and trade journal for the English language science fiction and fantasy fields. It also publishes comprehensive listings of all new books published in these genres. Previous winners include Nisi Shawl, K. Tempest Bradford, and Marlon James. […]

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