Nnedi Okorafor is Publishers Weekly cover model.

Nnedi Okorafor is Publishers Weekly cover model.

Award-winning author Nnedi Okorafor is the cover model for the latest edition of Publishers Weekly.

Nnedi Okorafor, author of numerous titles for children, young adults, and adults since 2005, is one of the most accomplished writers working today. Some of her books have been Zahrah the Windseeker (2005), the Akata Series Akata Witch (2011), Akata Warrior (2017), and Akata Woman (2022). Other books have been Who Fears Death (2010), Lagoon (2014), The Binti Series Binti (2015) Binti: Home (2017), and Binti: The Night Masquerade (2018), as well as Noor (2021).

She has won or been nominated for awards such as the Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa, Hugo Award, Nebula Award, World Fantasy Award, Locus Award, Nommo Award, Arthur C. Clarke Award, British Fantasy Award, Lodestar Award, Otherwise Award, and Kurd Laßwitz.

One of the few writers whose books have a million-dollar advance, she has also written comics such as Black Panther: Long Live the King (2017), Shuri (2018), Wakanda Forever (2018, ), and Shuri: Wakanda Forever (2020) all for Marvel. She also has one of her titles in development for an HBO TV series and other work on the way to the big and the small screen.

For such an accomplished professional in our industry, it is strange that she has never been the cover model for a major publication. This was added to the Nigerian-American’s list of tributes when she was the cover model of the latest edition of Publishers Weekly, a news magazine covering the international book publishing business.

Proving that even those at that level can still be delighted with a cover for a magazine Okorafor tweeted, “I am on the cover of Publishers Weekly! I’VE NEVER BEEN FEATURED ON A MAGAZINE COVER BEFORE. 🤯🫨 Oh my goodness!! 🥹 @PublishersWkly.”

Check out the latest edition of Publishers Weekly and see a review of her work and news on the launch of She Who Knows.

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