Andreass Baum and Peter Kimani

Peter Kimani takes part in Kenyan-German Author Exchange.

Peter Kimani took part in the Goethe-Institut Nairobi’s Kenyan-German Author Exchange alongside Andreas Baum at this past week.

Every so often the Goethe-Institute in Nairobi hosts something they call the Kenyan-German Author Exchange where a Kenyan and German Author do a series of activities together. It was the time for Peter Kimani to be in conversation with German novelist Andreas Baum this February.

Peter Kimani has been featured before on this blog with an emphasis on his recent novel Dance of the Jakaranda. Andreas Baum is the gentleman who has written Wir Waren Die Neue (We were the new ones).

One of the activities in this project in the nation’s capital was  Andreas Baum facilitating a creative writing workshop to students of German from Kenyatta University and students taking their Masters at the University of Nairobi.

The highlight of the activity was a reading that took place at the Goethe-Institut in Nairobi on February 25. It was an evening of reading from the two books moderated by Lisa Mauritz.

Here are a few images from the occasion courtesy of the Goethe-Institut Nairobi taken by Wamwiria Kimachia.

Andreass Baum, moderator Lisa Mauritz, and Peter Kimani
Andreass Baum, moderator Lisa Mauritz, and Peter Kimani
Peter Kimani
Peter Kimani
Goethe-Institut Nairobi's Elizabeth Wichenje
Goethe-Institut Nairobi’s Elizabeth Wichenje
Peter Kimani meets fans.
Peter Kimani meets fans.








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