Prémio Literário Mia Couto 2024

Prémio Literário Mia Couto 2024 finalists announced.

The finalists for Prémio Literário Mia Couto 2024 finalists were announced on Monday, July 15, 2024.

Prémio Literário Mia Couto (English: Mia Couto Literary Prize) was set up in honour of Beira’s foremost literary export, Mozambique author Mia Couto. Couto has written numerous books which gave him awards like the Camões Prize in 2013, the most important literary award in the Portuguese language, and the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 2014. The prize was aimed to stimulate quality literary production in the country and annually distinguishes the best works of poetry and prose.

The members of the jury for the 2024 edition are Lourenço do Rosário (president), Teresa Manjate, Ondjaki, Marcelo Panguana, and Tânia Macedo. They announced the finalists to be;

  • Kwashala Blues, Jessemusse Cacinda,
  • Estórias trazidas pela ventania, Adelino Albano Luís
  • Da asa do vento, a poeira do fogo, Rungo Novela
  • As ancas do camarada chefe, Sérgio Raimundo.


Estórias trazidas pela ventania by Adelino Albano Luís among the finalists of the Mia Couto Literary Prize. I am proud to have written a book whose quality warrants a place, alongside Kwashala Blues by Jessemusse Cacinda, ” As ancas do camarada chef by Sérgio Raimundo, in the final stage of the Mia Couto Literary Award. Can I talk about “bestseller” already or is it too early?

Adelino Albano Luís

My book “Kwashala Blues” is a finalist in the Mia Couto Literary Award 2024. KB reaches this final stage of the Mozambique Literary Cup with the books of the authors Sérgio Raimundo, Rungo Novela, and Adelino Albano Luís. I feel so privileged. It was not my plan to come here. I consider this a bonus and an incentive to take out the texts that have lived in my drawers since 2008. I assure you there will be more books…

Jessemusse Cacinda

The winner will be announced on August 15 and the award ceremony will take place on September 12 in Beira. Each winner of the Mia Couto Literary Prize will receive a cash prize of around 400,000 MZN (four hundred thousand meticais), financed by the company Cornelder de Moçambique.

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