Here are six opportunities for those who want to submit either poetry, prose, or are publishers for February 2020.
REWRITE READS Issue 2: Call for Submissions
Rewrite Reads are seeking short fiction of 1000-3000 words, photo essays (5 or more photos or artwork) or thought-challenging pieces from Black Women & Women of Colour around the globe. The theme for Issue 2 is Kaleidoscope and we encourage writers to ‘rewrite the narrative’.
Information: Please click here.
Deadline: March 31, 2020.
African Writers Trust Publishing Program

The African Writers Trust Publishing Fellowship programme was designed to create a step-change in the book sector in Africa, by focusing on professional development of upcoming talent in African publishing over three years (2018-2021). The overall objective of the programme is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, skills, expertise, experiences and collaborative learning between the more experienced publishers and the early career and emerging ones.
Information: Please click here.
Deadline: February 16, 2020.
Accord Literary: novels for young readers.
Accord Literary is open for submissions for novels written for young readers aged between 8 and 16 years old. Submissions must include a bio, a synopsis and either the entire work of fiction or the first three chapters. The book should either be for a younger reader aged 8 to 12 and up to 50,000 words long or for an older reader aged 12 to 16 and up to 75,000 words long. The book can be in any genre from historical to fantasy and be about any theme.
Information: Please click here.
Deadline: March 15, 2020.
Catapult welcomes short stories, novel excerpts that stand on their own, and translated fiction. We pay for all pieces that we publish. We are particularly interested in fiction under 1000 words. If you’d like a few examples, we’re proud to have published Elizabeth Crane’s “The Longest Trial”, Anya DeNiro’s “Take Pills and Wait for Hips”, Jess Zimmerman’s “Never Quiet Again”, Nao-cola Yamazaki’s “A False Genealogy,” and Rion Amilcar Scott’s “Boxing Day.” Please submit only one story at a time.
Information: Please click here.
Deadline: April 1, 2020.
Granta’s history can be traced back to 1889 when a student politics and literature magazine called The Granta was founded at Cambridge University. Since its relaunch 39 years ago, Granta has been a quarterly literary journal, with the aim of publishing the best new writing. Granta is currently accepting submissions of fiction and non-fiction until Wednesday 19 February 2020 and poetry submissions until Thursday 20 February 2020. Submissions of photography and art are currently closed.
Information: Please click here
Deadline: February 16, 2020.
20:35 Poetry anthology edited by Itiola Jones and Cheswayo Mphanza.
The 20:35 Poetry anthology edited by Itiola Jones and Cheswayo Mphanza is looking for African poets who are between the ages of 20, or who would be 20 by the time of publication, and 35. – Contributors published in the previous issue are NOT eligible for this issue, but may send in works in subsequent editions. – Submissions can cut across various themes and each contributor may send three poems ONLY. Please send us your best poems, properly edited. – The anthology is ONLY for African poets.
Information: please click here.
Deadline: March 16, 2020.
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