Tag: A Small Silence

  • Jumoke Verissimo on Royal Society of London’s Ondaatje Prize 2020 shortlist.

    Jumoke Verissimo on Royal Society of London’s Ondaatje Prize 2020 shortlist.

    Jumoke Verissimo’s debut novel A Small Silence is on the shortlist of the Royal Society of London’s Ondaatje Prize 2020 announced on April 20, 2020. The Royal Society of Literature’s Ondaatje Prize is an annual award of £10,000 for a distinguished work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry, best evoking the spirit of a place. The…

  • Jumoke Verissimo on Royal Society of London’s Ondaatje Prize 2020 Longlist.

    Jumoke Verissimo on Royal Society of London’s Ondaatje Prize 2020 Longlist.

    Jumoke Verissimo’s debut novel A Small Silence is on the Royal Society of London’s Ondaatje Prize 2020 Longlist announced on March 26, 2020. The Royal Society of Literature’s Ondaatje Prize is an annual award of £10,000 for a distinguished work of fiction, non-fiction or poetry, best evoking the spirit of a place. The prize is…

  • Jumoke Verissimo’s debut novel “A Small Silence” for July 2.

    Jumoke Verissimo’s debut novel “A Small Silence” for July 2.

    Jumoke Verissimo’s debut novel “A Small Silence,” published by Cassava Republic Press, will be available from July 2, 2019. Jumoke Verissimo writes poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. The Nigerian has published two collections of poetry in I am memory which won the Carlos Idzia Ahmad Prize’s First Prize for a first book of Poetry, and…