Tag: Donald Molosi

  • Berlin’s African Book Festival 2019 guest list unveiled.

    Berlin’s African Book Festival 2019 guest list unveiled.

    The guest list for Berlin’s African Book Festival 2019 has been unveiled. The festival curated by writer and filmmaker Tsitsi Dangarembga runs from April 4-7, 2019. In 2018, writers from across Africa and its diaspora converged on Berlin for the African Book Festival with Chris Abani as the headliner. The festival organised by InterKontinental and…

  • Donald Molosi’s “Dear Upright African” out on February 28.

    Donald Molosi’s “Dear Upright African” out on February 28.

    Donald Molosi’s new book Dear Upright African published by The Mantle will be out on February 28, 2019. We first met Donald Molosi in Kampala, Uganda when he was doing a one-man play based on the life of Ugandan superstar singer and AIDS activist Philly Lutaaya. He would reprise his show in Nairobi a few months later…

  • Donald Molosi’s We Are All Blue makes Botswana debut

    Donald Molosi’s We Are All Blue makes Botswana debut

    Donald Molosi launched his book We Are All Blue (WAAB) with a colourful ceremony at the Cresta President Hotel in Gaborone, Botswana on 31st August 2016. Donald Molosi is no stranger to East Africans. To the world he is the first Motswana performer on Broadway in the US as well as staring in movies alongside…

  • Donald Molosi on winning Bessie Head Short Story Awards.

    Donald Molosi on winning Bessie Head Short Story Awards.

    The winner of this year’s Bessie Head Short Story Awards 2015 is Donald Molosi his story The Biggest Continent. He gets the first place prize money of 2 000 pula (about R2 900) courtesy of Diamond Educational Publishers. He was awarded ahead of Siyanda Mohutsiwa came second for And Then We Disappeared into Some Guy’s…

  • YouTube Videos from the Storymoja Festival 2015

    So I have finally uploaded all the videos that I took at the Storymoja Festival 2015 that happened this month. The videos were taken over a two day period on the Saturday and Saturday with a Samsung J7 which I am still learning how to use. Therefore the quality of the videos isn’t world class…

  • Storymoja Festival 2015: Blog numbero uno

    Storymoja Festival 2015: Blog numbero uno

    The Storymoja festival was in high gear at its new venue the Nairobi Arboretum. The activities were mainly targeted at the younger Kenyan population to get them to understand the importance of reading. Schoolchildren attended the festival from Wednesday to Friday and were wowed by Reading Ambassadors like Sauti Sol and Anto Neosoul. In addition,…

  • Short Story Day Africa 2015 longlist announced

    Short Story Day Africa 2015 longlist announced

    Short Story Day Africa has announced the longlist of this year’s anthology. The stories from writers from across the continent explored the theme “Water” in interesting and unexpected ways, and both the readers and the SSDA team and editors felt the collection to be exceptional in scope and skill. The twenty-one stories will now be…

  • Donald Molosi’s moving Philly Lutaaya play #WritivismFestival2015

    Donald Molosi’s moving Philly Lutaaya play #WritivismFestival2015

    Ugandan superstar singer Philly Lutaaya was introduced to many of us in a documentary Alone in which he shares his experience as a man suffering from Aids in 1990. I watched the documentary of the man who had died in 1989 as a teenager in Nairobi and I have to say that it affected me…

  • Writivism Festival Day 2: historical novels, non-fiction, and cocktails

    Writivism Festival Day 2: historical novels, non-fiction, and cocktails

    Then the third day of the Writivism Festival 2015 rolled through; one filled with activities of interest to those who want to know more about the African writing world. The highlight of the day had to have been the keynote address given by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi and moderated by James Murua. Nansubuga for those who…

  • Writivism Festival 2015: Day 2 promises loads

    Writivism Festival 2015: Day 2 promises loads

    It’s getting to day two at the Writivism Festival 2015 which will be on the Thursday people. To those who want to keep up, I tell you that this is the place to be right now. Just like on day one, there shall be a school tour happening and this time around the school enjoying…

  • Writivism 2015 kicks off with creative writing workshop in Botswana

    Writivism 2015 kicks off with creative writing workshop in Botswana

    Botswana writer Lauri Kubuitsile and actor Donald Molosi were the folks who started off the biggest edition of Writivism 2015 with a creative writing workshop at the National Museum in Gaborone, Botswana.Kenyans will fondly remember Lauri Kubuitsile for the period when she was in town for the 2012 of Storymoja Hay Festival. Kubitsile who is…

  • Writivism Creative Writing Workshop 2015 attendees announced

    Writivism Creative Writing Workshop 2015 attendees announced

    It’s all happening at the Ake Festival today. Our friends from Writivism have announced the writers who will be attending the Writivism 2015 workshops in cities around the continent. The writers who were shortlisted will attend workshops led by Dilman Dila (Kampala), Zukiswa Wanner and Anne Ayeta Wangusa (Dar es Salaam), Yewande Omotoso and Saaleha…