Tag: Dr Auma Obama
YouTube Videos from the Storymoja Festival 2015
So I have finally uploaded all the videos that I took at the Storymoja Festival 2015 that happened this month. The videos were taken over a two day period on the Saturday and Saturday with a Samsung J7 which I am still learning how to use. Therefore the quality of the videos isn’t world class…
Storymoja Festival 2015: Blog numero deux
The last day of the Storymoja Festival 2015 was on Sunday. The Arboretum, like the name tells you, is a place dedicated to trees so on a typical weekend you will find a specific demographic there. It’s a special mix of lovers courting, joggers err… jogging and people doing picnics with religious organisations making it…
A snapshot of the Storymoja Careerpedia 2015
When the people at Storymoja Publishing started their first festival in 2008 they were trying something new. They wanted to do a festival for book lovers but they didn’t believe that enough of us would leave our local bars to go somewhere to talk about books. The organisation opted to have the “Nyama Choma Festival”…
Aga Khan Wins Maktaba Awards 2014
This year’s Library of the Year awards popularly known as the Maktaba Awards happened at the Leakey Auditorium, National Museum alongside the Storymoja Festival that was happening at the same venue. The key speaker for the event was Dr Auma Obama who was also the Storymoja festival patron. This year it was the time for…
Dr. Auma Obama is Storymoja Hay Festival 2014 director
The Storymoja Festival is one of the best literary happenings in Kenya. The Muthoni Garland run event has seen some of the best minds coming to Kenya to support our need to try and help us grow our literary scene. The first festival director was initially the really awesome Sitawa Namwalie who helped it grow…