Tag: Henrietta Rose-Innes
African Speculative Fiction Society’s Nommo Awards 2018 shortlists announced
The Nommo Awards 2018 shortlists for the best novel, novella, short story and graphic novel by an African this year have been announced. The Nommo Awards are an initiative of the African Speculative fiction Society. The Nommo Awards were introduced by the African Speculative Fiction Society to cast a much needed focus on the writing…
South African writers support their strays with new anthology
In 1985, American artists led by Michael Jackson and Lionel Ritchie came up with a song called We Are The World to help the people of Ethiopia who were going through a horrible drought. It is still one of the best examples of artists coming together to alleviate suffering. South African writers, many of them…
Henrietta Rose-Innes on winning the Francoise Sommer Literary Prize
Author Henrietta Rose-Innes is a South African with four books to her credit. The first two of her books Shark’s Egg (2001) and The Rock Alphabet (2004) were published by Kwela Books. On her debut novel, Shark’s Egg J.M. Coetzee had this to say, “Henrietta Rose-Innes writes an admirably taut, clean prose. Shark’s Egg is…