Tag: Lauri Kubuitsile

  • The Single Story Foundation journal now available online

    The Single Story Foundation journal now available online

    The editors of TSSF Journal are excited to announce the launch of its inaugural issue. Our journal is an online journal. You can read individual published pieces on our newly designed website: http://journal.singlestory.org.  And, you can also read and download the entire journal too at http://journal.singlestory.org/issues/. You can download it at the following address. “The TSSF Journal…

  • African writers threaten City of Durban with lawsuit

    African writers threaten City of Durban with lawsuit

    Professionals in the literary industry are up in arms against the City of Durban for lack of payment for the ARTiculate Africa festival 2017. The group of mainly aggrieved writers come from all off the continent. In November 2016, the ARTiculate Africa literary festival was hosted in Durban, South Africa as part of the Essence…

  • Short Story Day Africa Prize 2016 longlist announced

    Short Story Day Africa Prize 2016 longlist announced

    Our good friends who run the Short Story Day Africa Prize have announced their longlist 2016. The twenty writers will have their stories judged by Sindiwe Magona, H.J. Golakai and Tendai Huchu. The Short Story Day Prize has quickly established itself in the African writing world with the quality of writers and the anthologies that…