Tag: Writivism Festival 2017
Munachim Amah and Charles King win Writivism 2017 writing prizes
Munachim Amah and Charles King are the winners of this year’s Writivism 2017 prizes for fiction and nonfiction. The announcement was made at a ceremony in Kampala, Uganda on August 19 as part of Writivism Festival 2017. The Writivism initiative has two prizes for writing. The fiction prize is called the Writivism Short Story Prize…
Controversy ensues as Writivism celebrates fifth year in Gulu, Uganda
Writivism which is celebrating five years hosted a reading in Gulu, Uganda after a workshop featuring young writers from Northern Uganda. The events in Gulu didn’t go down well with one of Okot P’Bitek’s daughter’s. Writivism has built its name as one of the most important literary initiatives in the East African region in the…