Tag: Writivism Festival

  • Roland Byagaba set to curate Writivism Festival 2018

    Roland Byagaba set to curate Writivism Festival 2018

    Ugandan Roland Byagaba will curate the Writivism Festival 2018 which is set to happen in Kampala, Uganda from August 17-19. This will be the sixth edition of the festival. The Writivism Festival 2018 is set to have its newest edition with a blowout in the East African nation’s capital in mid-August. The initiative started with…

  • Munachim Amah and Charles King win Writivism 2017 writing prizes

    Munachim Amah and Charles King win Writivism 2017 writing prizes

    Munachim Amah and Charles King are the winners of this year’s Writivism 2017 prizes for fiction and nonfiction. The announcement was made at a ceremony in Kampala, Uganda on August 19 as part of Writivism Festival 2017. The Writivism initiative has two prizes for writing. The fiction prize is called the Writivism Short Story Prize…

  • Controversy ensues as Writivism celebrates fifth year in Gulu, Uganda

    Controversy ensues as Writivism celebrates fifth year in Gulu, Uganda

    Writivism which is celebrating five years hosted a reading in Gulu, Uganda after a workshop featuring young writers from Northern Uganda. The events in Gulu didn’t go down well with one of Okot P’Bitek’s daughter’s. Writivism has built its name as one of the most important literary initiatives in the East African region in the…

  • Sights and Sounds from the Writivism Festival 2016

    Sights and Sounds from the Writivism Festival 2016

      Here are some sights and sounds from Writivism Festival 2016  

  • Writivism Festival 2016 launches with Bwesigye love in

    Writivism Festival 2016 launches with Bwesigye love in

    The Writivism Festival 2016 launched with a bang at the National Museum in Kampala, Uganda on 23rd August 2016. The Writivism Festival has been marketed over the last few months with a huge social media push since last year and the official opening ceremony was upon us. This year unlike in previous iterations of the…

  • Writivism Festival 2015 Day 4: Politics, selling books and breaking down language barriers

    Writivism Festival 2015 Day 4: Politics, selling books and breaking down language barriers

    Saturday in Kampala, Uganda saw the African writing community in the form of Writivism Festival 2015 converging at the city’s National Theatre for a series of activities. The keynote address in the evening was given by Ugandan poet, fiction writer, scholar and columnist John Nagenda. Nagenda is also a senior media advisor to President Yoweri…

  • Writivism Festival 2015 Day 3: Oil and bunked panels

    Writivism Festival 2015 Day 3: Oil and bunked panels

    So what did you do on Friday? Well, many people work sluggishly all day then at closing they will flee to the nearest bar. At the Writivism Festival 2015, Friday seemed to know that folks might not be as responsive so there was less of an intensive program. Either that or they opted to have…

  • Harriet Anena’s A Nation in Labour launches at Writivism Festival 2015

    Harriet Anena’s A Nation in Labour launches at Writivism Festival 2015

    Communications professional Harriet Anena launched her poetry collection A Nation in Labour at the National Theatre in Kampala at the Writivism Festival 2015 on Saturday afternoon. The event was moderated by Jagero Oduor and introduced by Richard Ali with Prof Laban Erapu and Rachel Zadok joining in the conversation. Zadok was the 2014 Writivism mentor…

  • A brief look back at Writivism Festival 2013 #TBT

    A brief look back at Writivism Festival 2013 #TBT

    It looks like this year’s Writivism Festival will be the best yet. That list of guests you will meet at this festival is looking quite healthy. Anyone who follows Bwesigye Bwa Mwesigire on social media will follow his happy announcements of the latest Prince Clause Fund artist whose travel has been funded to Kampala. For…