Véronique Tadjo will headline the Salon International Du Livre Abidjan 2019 (International Book Fair of Abidjan 2019) scheduled for Abidjan, Ivory Coast from May 15 to 19, 2019.
Salon International Du Livre Abidjan 2019 (International Book Fair of Abidjan 2019) has been organised annually by the Association of Publishers of Ivory Coast for the last decade. The eleventh edition of the festival will be happening from May 15 to 19 at the Bernard Dadié Palace of Culture in Treichville, under the theme “My book, my everyday companion”.
The festival headliner for 2019 is Ivorian writer Véronique Tadjo who is one of the most accomplished authors and poets on the continent writing mainly in French. Her novels include Le Royaume aveugle ( 1991) which was translated by Janis Mayes as The Blind Kingdom (2008); Champs de bataille et d’amour (1999), L’ombre d’Imana: Voyages jusqu’au bout du Rwanda (2000) translated by Veronique Wakerley as The Shadow of Imana: Travels in the Heart of Rwanda (2002); Reine Pokou ( 2005) translated by Amy B. Reid as Queen Pokou (2009); and Loin de mon père (2010) translated by Amy B. Reid as Far from My Father. She also has written three poetry collections and ten books for children.
Some of the awards she has received for her work are the Literary Prize of L’Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique (1983), the UNICEF Prize (1993),the Grand prix littéraire d’Afrique noire, the Bernard Dadié national grand prize for literature (2016), and the Grand Prix of Black Africa in 2005.
France will be the the country guest of honor for the Salon International Du Livre Abidjan 2019.
Apart from the panel and keynote events, six prizes will be awarded. These are the Bernard Dadié National Prize for Literature, the Bernard Dadié National Award for Young Writer, the Jeanne De Cavally Award for Children’s Literature, the Sila Prize for Publishing, the Sila Prize for Emerging Artists and the Sila Prize for Media.
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